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Breastfeeding Tips To Help Increase Milk Supply

Looking to start your breastfeeding journey or just need some extra encouragement to help you push through? I have some tips that have helped me through my breastfeeding journey that may be just what you need.

* I am not a lactation consultant, the tips provided are simply things that have worked for me during my breastfeeding journey.

Breastfeeding offers so many health advantages for the mothers and their babies. Breast milk is uniquely designed to provide the ideal nutrition for infants. It contains all the necessary nutrients in the right proportions, including proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. I knew once I got pregnant I wanted to be a breastfeeding mom, so I have been determined to commit to this journey no matter what. I've had many ups and downs throughout my breastfeeding journey and I excited to share with you the things I've learned thus far.

Here are a few tips to help you increase your milk supply:

  1. Take your prenatal vitamins- Prenatal vitamins ensure that the breast milk remains rich in essential nutrients. By taking these vitamins, the mother ensures that her breast milk provides an adequate supply of nutrients to support the baby's growth and development.

  2. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate- Try to drink your recommended amount of water per day. I personally aim for a gallon. Breast milk is composed mostly of water, and dehydration can affect the quantity and quality of breast milk. When you are adequately hydrated, it helps ensure that your body can produce a sufficient amount of breast milk to meet your baby's needs. If you struggle with drinking water, you can also try Liquid I.V. Hydration Packs to help deliver hydration to the bloodstream faster and more efficiently than water alone. (consult with you healthcare professional to ensure this is the right option for you)

  3. Pump/Nurse every 2-3 Hours- The more you're able to pump the more milk you're instructing your body to make

  4. Use Haakaa while nursing- Be sure to use Haakaa on the vacant breast while baby nurses, a Haakaa is a manual pump that collects breast milk from one breast while the baby is nursing on the other breast. I typically collect anywhere from 3-4oz when I use my Haakaa.

  5. Use a hospital grade pump- After testing several pumps, this IKARE Hospital Grade Double Electric Breast Pump has been the absolute best and most effective pump for me. I personally did not like or collect as much milk while using hands free pumps.

  6. Massage Breast While Pumping- Anytime I have I Pump Session (unless I am driving...please don't pump and drive lol) I massage/hand express while also pumping. It's my personal way of trying to make sure I get every single drop lol.

  7. Take one tablespoon of virgin coconut oil a day- This has worked SO well for me that I had to stop taking it. There are many ways you can take virgin coconut oil, most of which requires you to melt the coconut oil and add it to your meal or drink of preference. I personally like to add my virgin coconut oil to my body armor lyte drink, because body armor lyte also helps to increase milk supply as well.

  8. Drink 2 Body Armor Lyte Beverages A Day- One day my milk supply decreased out of nowhere and I drank one a body armor lyte and 3hours later I drank another and immediately saw an increase. Feel free to choose any flavor you like as long as it's lyte. (lol that rhymed)

  9. Eat a balanced diet- Now I am not on a strict clean eating diet. I eat clean about 75-80% of the time. Here's what I eat. These are some of the things that support milk supply increase. - Oatmeal - Nuts & Seeds - Leafy Green Vegetables - Fennel - Fenugreek - Legumes or beans - Whole grains - Flaxseeds - Protein-rich foods like fish, chicken, meat

  10. Exercise- it is said that moderate exercise can potentially increase the levels of lactate and lactic acid in breast milk, which may offer potential benefits to the baby's immune system. I personally workout 3-5 times a week for an hour a day.

  11. Drink Lactation Smoothies- I personally love Sweetie Pie Organics Lactation Smoothie because their delicious and they have many great benefits.

  12. After nursing, pump immediately after- I always pump right after nursing my baby just to be certain I've removed every oz of milk possible. I typically pump for about 10-15mins.

  13. Add in one power pump a day- Breastfeeding power pumping is a technique used to stimulate and increase milk supply by mimicking cluster feeding. It involves pumping breast milk in a specific pattern and frequency to enhance milk production. This is the power pumping pattern I use: Pump for 20 minutes Rest for 10 minutes Pump for 10 minutes Rest for 10 minutes Pump for 10 minutes

  14. Increase skin to skin sessions with baby: Engage in skin-to-skin contact with your baby as much as possible. This closeness can help stimulate milk production and increase bonding.

  15. DON'T STRESS- stress is a factor that will certainly tank your milk supply. Try to create stress free environments for you to remain stress free. If you're pumping try placing a cover over your breast & pump so you cannot see how much is actually being produced. This will help you not stress about your production or supply. I like to watch shows to take my mind off the task of pumping because honestly breastfeeding can be mentally draining at times FOR ME. Here's a List of Shows I enjoy watching to help me through my pumping sessions.

I hope I was able to help increase your milk supply through my personal breastfeeding experience. Drop a comment if you have some breastfeeding tips you'd like to share.

For more in depth tips on increasing your supply, check our my e-book!

Check out these breastfeeding essentials


Angie Tisdale
Angie Tisdale
Sep 19, 2023

Thank you so much for the tips I feel like this the best trips I read about since I start & these tips seem like they gone help I can’t wait to come back to comment to let you know how it’s goin 😊

Rashika Robinson
Rashika Robinson
Oct 20, 2023
Replying to

No problem at all mama, I look forward to hearing more about how your journey has been thus far.


Aug 31, 2023

Thank you for the tips! Do you recommend any lactation tea or pills? Thank you!

Rashika Robinson
Rashika Robinson
Oct 20, 2023
Replying to

No problem, I recommend mother's milk ( ) with coconut oil and Laction smoothies by sweeite pies (


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I'm Shika. I'm a serial entrepreneur with a strong passion for helping others. I’m married to my best friend who is also my high school sweetheart & I'm the mom of God's greatest gift to us......

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