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7 Tips For Dating While Married w/Kids

Before getting married my husband and I went on dates at least once a week. Once we got married we continued to date each other at least once a week because we love a good date night and we think they're very beneficial to relationships. Now that we have a baby.....

We are still dedicated to making dating each other a thing!

One of the things I had to come to terms with was; dating looks a little different with a child. When you have kids, time can be scarce, and parenthood can be extremely exhausting. Making time to date your spouse is very important, kid(s) or no kid(s).

Here's are some tips for dating your spouse when you have small children.

1. Date Nights

My husband and I make a conscious decision to have a date night at least once a week. Before our son, date nights consisted of restaurants, gaming venues, road trips, bars, lounges etc. Now our date nights consists of steak nights at home with a nice bottle of wine, staycations, gaming venues, road trips. Not much has changed but we do not get to get as frequently as we did before.

My husband and have created a routine to spend quality time with one another.

  • Every week we have an in-house date night.

  • Every two weeks we have a date night out.

  • Once every two months we have a whole weekend out. Sometimes we have a staycation sometimes we take a quick roadtrip.

  • Twice a year we take a vacation outside of our state

2. Random Acts of Love

I am huge on random acts of love. This is my love language. My husband has been super amazing during my entire pregnancy and postpartum journey. So I've made it my business to show him how much I truly appreciate him for being not only an amazing husband, but an amazing father as well. He also shows me just how much I am truly loved and appreciated. Sometimes just as simple hug & I love you goes a long way.

3. Don't Be Afraid To Switch It Up

Don't get stuck in an endless boring loop. Try new things with your spouse and spice things up. New foods, new adventures, new tv shows, new activities, new goals. Even spice it up in the bedroom 😉.

4. Take the Kid(s)

Sometimes you just gotta take the kid(s). We have had plenty date night with our baby lol. Since he's a fresh human, most of the times he's been sleep. Once he gets a bit older we will start doing date night at outings the entire family can enjoy, because bests believe your girl loves a good Main Event or Dave & Busters date night!

6. Have Sex!

Put the kid(s) to bed or get a babysitter and enjoy some Mr. Nasty time with your man. The more sex you can have, the better. As a mom, a mommypreneur, and wife, I completely over stand what exhaustion feels like. But setting out time to be intimate with my husband is a must. It is said that sex helps you feel closer to your partner and is the most intimate physical act you and your partner can experience. Without it, it's easy to lose sight of your connection. The best way to have more sex is to not make excuses.

7. Have Open Discussions

Communication is key but so is comprehension. My husband and I are very honest and open about our feelings. If at anytime I feel a certain way about anything, I make sure to voice my feelings and vice versa. We make sure to not only communicate but truly understand what the message is we want to get across to each other. This technique truly keeps our relationship drama free.

Dating is important. Don't let kids be an excuse to stop dating your spouse, because once they leave it's just going to be you and your spouse. Leave a comment and let me know some of your tips for dating while married with children.



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I'm Shika. I'm a serial entrepreneur with a strong passion for helping others. I’m married to my best friend who is also my high school sweetheart & I'm the mom of God's greatest gift to us......

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