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How I "Hid" My Entire Pregnancy For A Year & 9 Months

The older I get the more I understand privacy equals peace. And there's nothing I appreciate more than peace of mind. Having a baby is considered to be a huge milestone, but here's how I kept my pregnancy intimate.

I am very big on protecting my peace as well as my happiness. One of the ways I do this is by not oversharing. When good things happen in my life, I only share it with my loved ones. There used to be a time where I would scream from the rooftops about any exciting news I would get but I began to notice the negative vibes and energy towards me from "friends"the more and more I announced my moves. It was then I realized that I no longer wanted my happiness and positive energy tainted with such hater energy. So I began to keep and enjoy my happiness for myself.

After dealing with so much hate and negativity, my husband and I decided we wanted to keep our pregnancy intimate to protect our peace and my mental well being. I can honestly say my life has never been more peaceful then when I started keeping everybody out of my business. There has been little to no drama, unsolicited bad advice, and sooooooooo much peace.

Becoming a mother for the very first time was extremely scary for me because I had a few health concerns and I'm a full time entrepreneur so I wasn't sure what the future would look like for me as a mom, but just know GOD FAVORS ME! I've seen social media drag celebrities such as Gabriel Union who was open about her infertility and her surrogacy journey, they drug poor baby Blue Ivy for filth for absolutely no reason at all, and although I'm no celebrity, I mentally did not want to deal with the foolery so we chose to experience this process in our very own way. Honestly, everything about my pregnancy worried me and I truly needed the space to feel those feelings.

Once I found out I was pregnant I only told my husband! After about a month we announce it to our parents a siblings & a few close friends. I continued working out faithful and living my life as a normal routine. I honestly decided to hide in plain sight, which was fairly easy since it was in the middle of a pandemic However, my husband and I are Influencers which required us to be in public quite often. 97% of the time I would wear clothes that made me appear as if I wasn't pregnant or post pictures from a certain again to give an illusion that I wasn't. I did not follow the disappear from social media tread (1. because I'm an influencer, 2. because that's quite obvious) when I because pregnant instead I continued to post as normal, I would even post pics of my mocktails from time to time. Never did I hint at or allude to the fact I was expecting. What I enjoyed most was that I had my space to feel whatever and however I wanted, without judgement in my very own bubble.

Once the baby arrived we decided to continue not posting our parenthood journey via social media. But for his 1st birthday we finally decided to make an announcement that we now have a 1 year old. I can honestly say I have truly enjoyed this intimate experience. I highly recommend more intimate pregnancies. No drama, overwhelming amount unsolicited advice/opinions, jealous or any unnecessary foolishness.

There are still many people who know us that are confused as to why they are just now becoming aware that we have a 1 year old. Most even believe we adopted, although it's been said my son has my husband's entire face lol. But hopefully they understand that’s just when I was ready to share. Let us all remember not to take things too personally because someone we know could be fighting a battle we know absolutely nothing about, even during the happiest moments.



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I'm Shika. I'm a serial entrepreneur with a strong passion for helping others. I’m married to my best friend who is also my high school sweetheart & I'm the mom of God's greatest gift to us......

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